Friday, February 27, 2015

10 Chef Secrets

10 Chef Secrets

1. Read the recipe and rewrite it the day before.

2. Use high quality and fresh ingredients.

3. Set out a bowl for garbage.

4. Save anything that will help make a stock.

5. Make few substitutions and make them wisely.

6. Prepare everything before cooking and have it within arms reach.

7. Hang a towel somewhere around your waist area.

8. Adjust the heat like you would a gas pedal.

9. Clean as you go. There is usually a window.

10. Finish when it's done, not when the recipe says it's done.


adapted from TWI (Training Within Industry)

Step I--BREAK DOWN the job.
             List all details of the job exactly as done by the present method.

Step II--QUESTION every detail.
             Why is this necessary?
             What is its purpose?
             Where should it be done?
             Who is best qualified to do it?
             How is the best bay to do it?

Step III--DEVELOP the new method.
             Eliminate unnecessary details.
             Combine details when practical.
             Rearrange for better sequence.
             Simplify all necessary details.
             Work out your idea with others.
             Write up you proposed new method.

Step IV--APPLY the new method.
             Sell your proposed idea to the boss.
             Sell the new method to the operators.
             Get final approval.
             Put the new method to work. Use it until a better way is developed.
             Give credit where credit is due.

Job Methods Training Program
War Manpower Commission

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Joshua Wooden's Seven-Point Creed

When John Wooden graduated from grade school, his father, Joshua, gave him this Seven-Point Creed to live by. He said he tried to live by it every day.

Be True to Yourself.
Make Each Day Your Masterpiece.
Help Others.
Drink Deeply From Good Books, Especially the Bible.
Make Friendship a Fine Art
Build a Shelter Against a Rainy Day.
Pray for Guidance and Give Thanks for Your Blessings Every day.

Friday, February 13, 2015

Student Contribution to Class Success

Student Contribution to Class Success
Swen Nater

The premise of my book You Haven't Taught Until They Have Learned is, since John Wooden said, he learned how to coach by teaching high school English, many of the principles for successful coaching can be applied to classroom teaching. One of those principles is student contribution to class success.

As you might expect, at UCLA, some players played a lot in games while others spent the majority of the time on the bench. John Wooden's formula for winning allowed for only seven players to play. But by no means did that mean, the others, like me, were not major contributors to the championships.  On the contrary, the supporting cast played a large role, mostly by challenging the "starters" every day in practice.

For example, if the upcoming opponent had a very physical center, I was trained to play against Bill Walton exactly in that fashion, down to the very moves that player made. Likewise, when the opponent had a great outside shooter, another one of us "scrubs" would fill that role, casting long-range shots during practice, whenever possible. (It was kind of fun by the way.)

John Wooden didn't dispense very many words of praise in any given practice, sometimes not at all. But the majority of his encouragements were aimed at those that were not going to participate that weekend. Why? He wanted all of us "subs" to know, our contribution in practice was of equal value to the contribution of the starters in the games.   More than once, Coach Wooden told me, "You are giving Bill everything he can handle. Keep it up. It's making him, and us, better."

Is this possible in the classroom? You betcha. My 9th-grade journalism/poetry teacher, Mrs. Rochte, made it very clear in September, the goal of the class was for everyone to get the highest grade possible, even if that meant we all got As. Throughout the year and in many ways, she continued to make that point until we all bought in to that culture. Her plan was for all students to be engaged in assisting others and she created many opportunities for us to do so. In addition, some of us were given responsibilities such as taking attendance, sharpening pencils, handing out papers, and even grading quizzes. Mrs. Rochte made it a point to recognize contribution when it occurred. My friends, that wonderful culture that she and we created, made me look forward to school every day.

This type of teaching is not always possible but I believe it can be applied, to a degree, in every classroom.


Tuesday, February 3, 2015

The Game of Life
Swen Nater

The Little League game was about to begin
On a perfectly wonderful day.
One team sprinted out
With a spirited shout,
As the boys were excited to play.

As their coach saw the field with his players in place,
A vision took over his sight.
Each Little League lad
Grew the age of a dad,
Complete with the beard and the height.

His pitcher, an artist, composed to create,
On a canvas awaiting and bare.
His stroke on the ball
Made it spin and then fall
As it curved and it carved through the air.

His catcher, a general, positioned in place,
Was leading the rest of the pack.
On his signal and sign
They joined to combine
With a quick and successful attack.

His shortstop, a surgeon, with quickness and skill,
When it seemed as thought death cast its fate,
On the double he caught
What the grave almost got,
And threw lifelessness out at the plate.

The outfield consisted of no lesser men.
Three statesmen with not one reproach.
On third was a preacher
On second a teacher
And on first, a Little League coach.

As the vision grew fainter, the coach stopped and thought.
The epiphany cut like a knife.
Baseball was more
Than a game and a score;
It was practice for the game of life.