Tuesday, June 23, 2015

A Basketball Game



Two teams prepared with all their might,

To see which is the best this night,

Two sets of parents sit and wait to fuel the fight. 


The game begins and a foul is called.

The offender lifts the one he sprawled.

Contaminating parents stand—viciously appalled.


As players play, they gain esteem,

For talents on the other team,

While hatred for their foe infects the parents’ vile scream.


Ten players, equal on a floor,

Comparing only by the score,

While parents judge parents on where they live and what they wore.


The game is over. Both teams converge.

“Good game.” The hands and eyes, they merge.

The self-segregated parents refrain and resist the urge.


Two teams displayed how life should be,

While tainted parents did not see.

They leave the gym, and take along their bigotry.

                                                Swen Nater


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